Shopify Starter Theme

Getting started

  1. Clone repo: git clone <>

  2. Install dependencies: npm install

  3. Change git origin URL:

    git remote set-url origin new.git.url/here
    git branch -M main
    git push -u origin main
  4. Connect theme in Shopify admin via Github - Themes -> Add theme -> Connect from Github

  5. Checkout to the new branch (not main branch) - git checkout -b ‘dev’

  6. Run npm start to start the dev theme and start development.

  7. Once done with changes, push to dev branch, open and merge PR

Quick start and practical usage

  1. Checkout to the new branch (not main branch)
  2. Run npm start and start development
  3. Configure Github actions in order to ensure that the latest code from src folder is compiled and exported to assets folder.
  4. Make changes to your branch (dev) and push them. Then, go to GitHub and create a pull request. GitHub actions will ensure that webpack recompiles all source files after the merge is complete.



Get familiar with folder structure